Ferenc Németh is a Research Fellow and Program Manager at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA), and a Ph.D. student at the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Since 2021, he has managed the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe Research Program. His areas of expertise include Southeast Europe (Western Balkans), Euro-Atlantic integration, and security studies. Previously, Ferenc served as a lecturer at Eötvös József College and the Advanced College for Security Policy, was an editor at the Balkán Expressz column of the Figyelő newspaper and biztonsagpolitika.hu, and worked at the Press Office of EULEX Kosovo. Ferenc holds a master’s degree in international relations from Corvinus University of Budapest and pursued post-graduate studies at the universities of Graz and Belgrade as part of the Joint Master’s Program in Southeast European Studies.